Thursday, September 22, 2011

Solyndra and George Washington

are not connected in any fashion. 

I am in favor of Congressional Hearings on this subject as we will have a role play about the right protecting one from prosecution. It is a continuation of all the other nonsense like Halliburton, Silverado, car companies, bail outs, you name it, what ever. The taxpayers are going to foot the bill, why should they not have a sideshow? We should get some entertainment for our taxes. Maybe someone could write some songs and get it to Broadway. "Solyndra The Musical". I personally do not have a cast in mind but all those out of work actors could be paying Rev. Leviticus Jackson's Social Security. Kind of a win/win for me.

Senator Tom Coburn says there is about a gazillion dollars in pork. (He says some senators are "cowards". He could be right. On both counts.) He is a Republican who does not seem to care what his party thinks. He also says the primary motivation is reelection. In both parties. He seems to think that the absence of reason is a problem. Venal, small people his colleagues. (Venal: capable of betraying honor, duty or scruples for a price; corruptible.)

The media is in on it for the following reason: they need access to fill cable channels and newspaper columns. The loans were approved. If anyone in the media were truly serious they would begin publishing photographs of both the governmental officials and the corporate officials who were involved. No accusations, just photos and job titles.

This is what happens when folks with no knowledge of science, business or accounting decide who has access to the treasury. It would be nice to know who has a degree in the hard sciences or some math based skills.

The oils spill in the Gulf revealed just how ignorant the news media is in terms of science. No one expects them to be teaching calculus at MIT with training as a journalist. But the oil field workers here knew EXACTLY what happened. This is a reflection of the fact that we are no longer producing scientists is America. Well we are but they do not come from public high schools. They come from the Indian Subcontinent. Or Malaysia. Or Kenya. Or Russia.

We are electing folks the way we choose our sports teams: we have become fans. Short for fanatic. We have picked a team and are on it. No matter the
 consequences. There is a way to the future but not if we refuse to take it. We repeat the same actions and expect a different consequence.

Ron Paul and Louis Farrakhan are similar in that they say some logical things and then say something that sounds like a headline from The Weekly World News. You remember them...Supermarket Tabloid? "Batboy Marries Madonna"? "Elvis Shot Kennedy"? (They caused my second divorce. I hated going grocery shopping so I would read the headlines to anyone who would listen. Wife #2 couldn't take the embarrassment of admitting she was sleeping with an idiot.) Newt Gingerich should be a member of this club. Smart stuff/dumb stuff club. Maybe this could be the third party we have all been hoping for. Hell, anything is possible.
The Rev.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Window Lickers

Most of what passes for commentary on the airwaves is actually VAUDEVILLE!
 No matter how you look at it the show must go on. Rush Limbaugh once said "Politics is showbiz for ugly people." Kind of hard to argue the point. Could Lincoln get elected today? NOOOOOO! Too tall and those ears would do Dumbo proud. It is appearance and not thought that counts. 

Remember this at all times. Newscasters all have what is called a "Disfigurement Clause". Meaning that if something happens and the talking head winds up looking like Quasimoto the career is gone. Maybe they could go to radio. You can be butt ugly in radio and still have fans and a career. But that takes more talent. You have to create pictures in the mind of the listener. You the listener have to bring something to the table. Still it does not lead to cogent thought. 

There are several radio show in Chicago that appeal to thoughtful listeners and the Canadian Broadcasting system is a gem. Phil Hendrie says more with his satirical characters than most folks do in an entire career. Most talking heads are window lickers. Matter of fact they give window lickers a bad name.

Last thought. Did you ever notice how car companies love Western Names? The Chevy Cheyenne. The Tucson. The Aztec. The Dodge Dakota. The Chevy Apache There are lots of them. I live in Farmington New Mexico. Beautiful place. Hunt, fish, take pictures, mountains short distance away, great and I mean great Library (google it and look at the pictures) Ship Rock, Navajo folks, fry bread, tamales to die for and is there one bleepin' car named for us? Not on your life. I am not whining, I am just saying. 

I am tired as I handled some sacks of concrete this afternoon. I am going home and take a hot shower. 
Blessings on your little pointed heads.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Solyndra Fiasco

What we have here is Bush Lite. The current occupant is not familiar with accounting practices, spread sheets, balance sheets, investment banking or how Washington works. He is lost like Jimmy Carter: good guy but not mean enough. Constitutional law is wonderful but does not address the sweeping changes that need to be made. We have nonsense on a massive scale. Fox is not to blame and neither is PMSNBC. Sean Hannity does not govern. Neither does Chris Matthews. The idea that pundits who have no command of the English language should have this much influence defies common sense. William Buckley could read and write unlike the current crop of pseudo conservatives. "I think we need Harry Truman."
Harry is dead. He is not coming back. 

They all want to be frightened and get me to be also. The country is not the East Coast nor the West Coast. That is where the money is located. We cannot go backward and Shane is not going to solve our problems. The Lone Ranger was invented in Detriot for radio. He is not real. The country goes on in spite of the idiots in power.  None of the current crop of congressmen/senators will ask the electorate to do the right thing. They are there to be reelected and nothing else.
They fear the electorate. Where is the Foghorn Leghorn when we need him?
There is no facet of my life or yours that does not interest them. When was the last time you heard any of them say "That's none of my business.."? 

I watched the Solyndra hearings and NOBODY WAS RESPONSIBLE! The guy being questioned as to who approved the loan could not say who signed off on it. This is no different than Halliburton during the Bush Administration. No one thought to ask "Why are you wasting our time if you cannot give intelligible concise answers?" Talk about who needed to be water boarded! We need to make use of enhanced interrogation with all governmental officials. This is not Democrat or Republican.

Obama got elected on the slogan "Hope". It was an advertising campaign. There is no Republican candidate who can be taken seriously. I would vote for David Stockman who says we have to pay for EVERYTHING through taxes. He worked for Reagan. He pointed out that Ronnie raised taxes four times. The Democrats think spending solves everything and The GOP says all problems including cancer and acne are solved by tax cuts. Anyone who thinks this has anything to do with real life is nuts. It is a soap opera without the organ music (think of Search for Tomorrow on CBS). All of this would be funny if not for the consequences.

Mike Golic is one of my favorite sports commentators  and this is a quote.
" Anybody who thinks sports is real life is crazy." The same is true for broadcast hacks. There is nothing I can do to affect the situation until voting day. Getting upset is a waste of time.

I once heard a guy say "I get all my information where all good Americans do: Television". Unfortunately this has come to have an enormous influence on the electorate.
The fact that we now have 500 channels and not enough programming content leads to reruns of trash and bloviating politicians. They all need face time. What better use of cspan than hearings on an obvious blivit. (Ten pounds of pig manure in a five pound sack.) It is just the current piece of gristle to chew on.

Tax the rich? Where the hell do you think they get their money? Tax businesses? Who do you think will really foot the bill? That's right, Sparky. You and I will pay through increased prices.

Reduce taxes? What will cover the deficit other than borrowing and what does that do to the value of the dollar. Again the consumer pays.

We need to get over the idea that the other guy should pay for stuff. It doesn't work that way. 
