Tuesday, February 12, 2013

State of The Union

It is a mess in terms of government and politics. The land and the people are OK as they have nothing to do with government. They get up and go to work every day. I am about convinced that we do not need them to run our lives.

Television tells us to be afraid on a daily basis. We have a certain portion of the country that is convinced that disaster is around the corner. It is. So what?

I did not watch the address by the President: I knew what he was going to say. It is nonsense. Someone should tell him the level of contempt that a  large portion of the country has for him. Based on reason. Congress is worse and the Supreme Court thinks that corporations can be persons despite the fact that they do not meet the criteria for being a sentient being. When a corporation belches or farts, it can be a person. Until then, no.

The really important thing is that I found a number of beaver lodges on the river that I did not know were there. The San Juan and the Animas will be here long after we are gone. Long after the idiots on TV. Long after Senator Windbag and President Electable. In the words of Carlin:

" The Earth ain't going anywhere, folks, WE ARE. Pack yer shit!!"

Bed Time.

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