Thursday, March 15, 2012

I have recently taken down my Leviticus Jackson Facebook page. I really miss my grandchildren. Sad.
Part of the reason I've chosen to get rid of the page is the venom that folks seem to feel about the current professional wrestling/political scene. If I am to watch that level of endocrine activity, I choose the novellas of Telemundo. They are more interesting than Univision in my opinion. Better looking women. And not being all that proficient en espanol, I can make as much sense of it as I can the politics/wrestling matches. It is sad to see an entire country taken in by "show business for ugly people". Liberal, conservative, republican, democrat, libertarian, social democrat, centre right, call it what you will it is show business. No charts no numbers. When I ask SPECIFICALLY what the plan is, I get no answers. It is nonsense. We currently have folks destroying the political process for financial gain. Susan Jacoby's book "The Age of American Unreason" should be required reading. We have elected illiterate folks to positions of authority.

There is a very good reason that hard science has fallen into disfavor: it is difficult. 1+2= 3. There is no argument about this. Is it different for Republicans? Is math racist? Is chemistry a plot against minorities? Should logic be a required course in high school where you do not graduate unless you can pass the test? How about being multilingual? How many of the current diplomatic corps in the middle east speak Arabic, Farsi or Hebrew?

The Jerry Springers of the America are in charge of our discourse. I voted in the last municipal election. I will vote in the fall. I will not be a guest on the Maury Povitch Show.

Go with God or Vaya con Dios
Rev. Leviticus Jackson


  1. You can always join Face Book as yourself, and only friend your family. Then you can have your grandkids.

  2. K.A. has the solution. I joined Facebook to see my niece's babies. When I get sick of seeing stupid posts, I just unsubscribe from that person's updates.
