We now face the prospect of the nation's credit rating being lowered by another credit rating agency. The problem is not the president. It is the congress. We are headed down the porcelain receptacle. Again. BOHICA. There is no end in sight. The senators and congressmen are in denial. They think it is impossible to bankrupt the federal guvmint. Inflation is on the way. It is how we will solve the housing crisis and the banking crisis. The money will be worth nothing but the banks will have no option but to take it in the shorts. It is all part of the grand scheme of the Republicrats.
For those of you who voted for W. remember that the war was "Off Budget." That means it did not show up on the balance sheet. The 3/4 of a trillion Tarp Fund was also a joke.
The current occupant of the White House is no different other than he is not trying to hide the spending. The problem is not the occupant of 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. It is the congress. We do not live in a dictatorship. Congress appropriates money.
B.O. is currently at 41% in the polls. That sounds terrible until the figure of 13% approval for congress turns up. Then he looks not too bad.
Nobody will conquer this nation from without. But we will bankrupt ourselves. The National Interest no longer exists.
And while we are at it, simplistic slogans do not solve debt. Financial planning does.
In short, we are screwed. It is money and nothing else that runs campaigns.
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