Monday, October 17, 2011

Ok Here we Go Again

I want a real debate. No moderators, no faux questions, just a referee and a time keeper. No judges. Three hours. Best two out of three.
No spitting
No punching
No swearing
No lying.

This will never happen. It will not happen because the issues facing the country have been hijacked by the media. The questioners have a vested interest in “Do you still beat your Wife?” questions. It is about ratings.

It is interesting to note that political action committees collect lots of money. Has it occoured to anyone that they also SPEND that money? The amount of money spent on election campaigns is a significant factor in the media world.
None of this has anything to do with ideology. It is about the lower right hand corner on the balance sheet of all the media corporations. If you are in favor of the Conservatives it is like saying you like Nissan better than Toyota or Coke better than Pepsi. Fox news found an under served demographic and filled a need. MSNBC is another brand. Contributors give money to BOTH political parties.

The best example of the nonsense that money makes everything better is what happened with the contributions for the 9/11 victims. A BIG FIGHT.

The problem is not Democrats or Republicans. It is the media and that does not include print media. Most folks do not Read The Paper. That requires effort. Much better to watch cable news. The problem is not the politicians. The problem is the electorate. One understands H. L. Menken and his cynicism. He once referred to the citizenry as “The Boobery”. And he was not referring to hooters, hulungas or hogans. He meant Boob in the sense of a not very bright person.

I do think I have an obligation to vote. I also think I have an obligation to inform my self on all levels. Not to decide who the good guys are or who the bad guys are but on the best way of handling the issues.

We are short on ideas. “Investing in food stamps” is not an idea. “Cutting Taxes” is not an idea.

There is a time for government spending and a time for cutting taxes. But when it is ALWAYS time for a stimulus or ALWAYS time for a tax cut it is a sign that the speaker is not thinking.

It comes down to the following statement.


1 comment:

  1. The debate between Perry and Romney was a good example of bad behavior.

    Romney had to put his hands on Perry, and that didn't even shut him up.

