I will actually edit this blog. No more typos. Or is it "typoes"? All that being said, on to the topic.
Newt has announced he will no longer be the pit bull we all had assumed because in his words "I have become a grandfather". This is unbelievable. I could offer some help in this area. Consider the following options.
"I was wrong and behaved disgustingly. I can only ask the forgiveness of those I harmed."
"I have no excuses. I acted badly and let my passions run my life. I have been trying to do better."
I would even go for "I humbly submit that I did nothing to the general public with my private conduct. I harmed and offended the people who were close to me. You are not the offended party. Get a life. I cannot change the past but I can make every effort to treat those in my life better. An apology to the public does nothing to ease the pain that I caused my ex-wife. I hope for her forgiveness."
"As for my lobbying efforts I must admit that this was venal and materialistic on my part. There is no excuse. It was about avarice and my ego. I will try to do better in the future. These people are vermin who attempt to influence Federal Expenditures and regulations for private gain. They are in large part responsible for the financial crisis in which we currently find ourselves. The founding fathers had no use for them. I am ashamed of myself as I have a PhD. in history and am aware of this. My second initiative if elected President will be to make any contact by a former elected official with a sitting member of congress a felony with a mandatory minimum sentence of being water boarded like he was a member of al Quaida."
I would vote for the bastard myself if only to hear the screams.
I'm a grandfather? This is an indictment of what we call a campaign.
The truly sad part of all this is that competition is supposed to bring out the best in us. The opposition forces me to do better than my best and the country benefits. "I am a grandfather?" Surely you can do better. America deserves better. America deserves accountability. I believe in accountability. Does that make me a Republican? Could you imagine our real cowboy president Teddy Roosevelt saying "I'm a grandfather."? On the other hand he did things like place himself in physical danger. He was the real deal.
As for becoming a Roman Catholic I have only one piece of advice. If you shake hands with a bishop wash them ASAP. I mean if you have read the papers in the past few years...
More later.
This is such an incredibly good excuse, especially for me, as I have a colorful past- to put it charitably. Since I am a grandfather, I will now consider all of my sins washed away just like Everett in "Oh brother where art thou"....."well I was lying but the preacher said that sin has been washed away too"
ReplyDeleteWorks for me........
Tabasco T. Hogwalopp
LePanto, Arkansas
PS. I enjoy giving definitions to the capcha scramble that is required to post. Thus...
meaderat : A large rodent know to indulge in the Irish alcoholic drink made from apples known as meade.
Newt is such an amphibian. Cold-blooded and stupid.