It is truly sad that the Republican field is as dysfunctional as it is. There is none among them to make Obama work harder, to come up with new ideas, to find solutions.
Maybe it is cultural but I've not heard a new idea or a coherent plan from anyone. It reflects who we have become as a people. Dr. Drew wants us all to be afraid and both parties want to tell us that we are helpless and that citizenship doesn't matter. So we now have a therapeutic excuse.
They all have the same mindset: SOMEONE WILL SAVE US. This is untrue. The president does not matter: he cannot fight off the army of special interest groups which will descend upon the capitol like the Black Plague of old. The campaign is a sham. If the congress were functioning correctly there would be less trouble. A 2,700 page health care bill? Please. This is a scam to get opt outs for certain businesses. It is insane. The folks who are against it have no plan to replace it. When ever there is a business whose stock goes up with the prospect of a piece of legislation passing you can be certain that “the fix is in” as they used to say in the boxing world.
The "My way or the Highway" crowd are in charge. During a debate the moderator (from Fox News no less) asked the following question of all the candidates.
"Would you accept a $1 in tax increase if it were tied to a $10 reduction in spending? Please raise your hand if you would." Not one candidate raised his hand. Not one. That tells me they are disingenuous. Meretricious. If that is truly the case we have a "Confederacy of Dunces". None of them are serious. Give me a 10 to 1 deal and I will take it all day long every day. So would you. It would lead to a balanced budget.
Abortion is a medical issue and not a legal one. Women in that kind of trouble need my prayers not some Modern Day Elmer Gantry in a court telling the God hates them. Birth Care is anti abortion but their attitude is "We will help you. You want to adopt the baby, we will help. You want to keep the baby, we have diapers and formula and doctors and anything else you need. We will find it." In other words they are trying to find a good option for one of God's Children who are having trouble. Putting their money where their mouth is. You will not see them in the headlines because they are too busy finding diapers and doctors and cribs and child care and pre-natal care. Not one of those SOBs on stage is doing anything like that. It would be much more in the national interest to address the number of children being raised in single parent homes. Statistically a child raised in a two parent home has a much better chance in life than one raised without two parents. There is no debate about this but none of the politicians are willing to tackle this because the phrase “single mom” raises sympathy. Children do better with two parents. The math does not lie. Policy has driven the black male out of the home in the 1950's. It leads to poverty and instability. There are a large number of women who view men as a way to become mom and nothing else. This is not directly about money but there are financial implications for the children. This is now commonplace in the white community as well.
The ones who want to tell me that they are successful business men should be out there creating jobs, not running for office. Doing something useful, not getting press coverage and spouting platitudes. Government is NOT business. In the corporate world it is possible to hire and fire and thereby change the culture. Not so in government: the opposition got elected too. The president cannot fire the congress or even part of it. Government is inherently inefficient. Do not expect public policy to be run based on efficiency. It is driven by the prospect of defeat in the next election. The one exception is safety forces: we want the fireman to run into the burning building. We want the paramedic to staunch the flow of blood. We do not want a position paper from any of those folks.
Gay marriage is none of my business. Or any libertarian's. Or any liberal's. Who booty bumps who is of no import on the national scene. Provided it is consensual. The only endocrine system I am concerned with is my own. No body talks anyone into being gay. It is of little importance in politics. Time to stop the fear and resentment.
No one will address earmarks. This is because earmarks are directly connected to campaign contributions. The government has been purchased by the insurance industry, the oil industry, the aircraft industry and the health care industry. No body goes home anymore after their term in office is over. Harry Truman was the last real man in American Politics. JFK might have turned into one but he didn't have the chance. Same with his brother.
The truth is the pressure groups are in charge. Reporters HATE Iowa because they have to talk to actual human beings who do not share the bi-coastal attitude of the media. They show their contempt by griping about snow! “My God! I am forced to walk in the snow! This is outrageous!” The media have their own agenda, most of it to do with selling air time. They are no better. The Ratigan rant I sent you is accurate.
There is no sense of civic responsibility anymore. Cable news is a cancer on the body politic. It will spread. None of us believe in our leaders anymore. Donald Trump is in charge. He is an idiot. Citizenship is not taught in the schools or home. We are or should be better than this.
If you believe in Republicans and Democrats become a fan of the National Football League. This is what the parties have become. Time to take the Big Boy Pill and face up to the facts.
Pray for the Republic. Lincoln is dead. Only Divine Intervention will help
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