Saturday, November 5, 2011

The Circular Firing Squad

I had been hoping to get some reasonable political commentary but to no avail. Solyndra and Herman Cain are about it.
Not even any humour. The Tea Party needs to extract the stick from their collective large intestine and Michael Moore is just  annoying. Wouldn't you think that a walking heart attack would do something ANYTHING about his health. By the way Mike, LOOSE THE HAT. If it came down to head wear, only Herman Cain is fit to be president. You are killing the Democratic Party. And by the way, The demonstrators don't look like they are taking enough drugs. Where is the joy? Every important enterprise needs joy and a sense of purpose. They need more of a sense of whimsy. (I live close to a reservation and have a different view of poverty than they do. Just try living out here for a while and see what life is really like.)

The Tea Party and the Occupy Wall Street crowd both feel like victims but not enough so they will educate themselves. The problem is systemic. Thank Phil Graham of Texas for this along with Slick Willie who signed the Graham Leach Act. The problem is the congress. Not the president or Chris Matthews or Bil O'Reilley.

Bob Schieffer of CBS News was insulted because Cain's campaign manager was smoking in one of the ads. Bob apparently had lung disease and found the ad to be insulting. HE GAVE HIMSELF THE BLEEPIN' DISEASE AND HE WANTS TO BE THE VICTIM? No one else gave him lung disease. He is a news man. What he thinks is unimportant. The narrator is supposed to be unobtrusive. I now know that he will not make an effort to be objective. In the words of the Duke in "Hondo" ..."I always say a man ought to do what he thinks is best." indicating that there are consequences to behaviour. Bob needs to "Sack Up" as my older son is fond of saying. If a man wants lung disease, I say let him have it. Maybe I have been around too many cowboys (real ones with manure on their boots) but I humbly submit Nothing Happened to Schieffer as a result of that image!

I have nothing against Cain but that tax proposal is DOA.  So is Newt's and Romney's. The lawyers and accountants would have to be water boarded for that to pass. The tax code will not be changed by the president. Not unless he is in suicide mode. It is insane in terms of being understood by anybody.

Ronnie Reagan raised taxes 11 times. Because it was necessary. He had his own Solyndra. Nobody with the intelligence of a sand hill crane can defend that crap. The money is gone. Before we have hearings on that let us investigate the other fiscal judgments currently being made and see if there are other bombs about to go off. Let us fix what we can and stop trying to get even.

Newt Bleepin' Gingerich said that if congress would spend three days a week working on what was easily passed and the other two arguing the situation would improve. He said if all that was going to happen was continuing rancor they might as well go home. This from the guy who shut the government down! Maybe even HE can come to his senses. He also said they wouldn't do it.

I have been looking for a Democrat to criticise his party. I mean trenchant commentary. I mean incisive thought. Does any Democrat in the House or Senate have a degree in math, physics or chemistry?

It is not the job of the government to provide employment. It is their job to provide the necessary conditions for people to take care of themselves.

Last thought. Read Tony Hillerman's "The Great Taos Bank Robbery". It is a great book and truly funny. If you want to know how things work in New Mexico this is a good place to start.

Later ,
The Rev.

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