Friday, December 2, 2011


OK, Ms. Coulter call Sen. McCain a "Douchebag". On MSNBC. This should be the time when they lose all their sponsors. This is what we do not need. It is fun but it leads to the political dynamic we currently enjoy. There is no question that she would not have used that kind of political language were he there. Carlin was on the Tonight show with Ms. Coulter and there was no explosion. He explained it this way. "It was Leno's House.  I have no desire to disrespect Jay." There are no adults in the media.
I must say in this regard I believe the HELLS ANGELS subscribe to the theory that a punch in the mouth is the best response to person insults or name calling. There are probably a couple of folks who would give Ms. Coulter a "Tune Up". I say it should be on pay per view. I would watch. This is not about her political ideas as she has none. It is about the Republican ideal of Accountability. My Republican Hero Teddy Roosevelt threatened to take another legislator outside and educate him. Harry Truman My Democratic Hero threatened a critic thusly.  "I'm gonna kick his nuts off!". This was in response to what Mr. Truman regarded as unfair criticism of his daughter's piano playing. It was personal.
I want her to throw down with Ms. Clinton after Ms. Clinton had a couple of shots of Dark Eyes or Jim Beam. Again, I would PAY good money to see it.

The way I see it, we need self control in our political life. She does a disservice to the nation. We need adults.

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